To Our Customers
CATASH is affectionately named after my daughters. The dove is a symbol of the Spirit, wisdom, and longevity. Like the Spirit, it depends not on external sources to feed its young but nourishes them with milk that flows from within. The dove is a true and trusted messenger of GOD, and when it appears, the herald of peace and reconciliation is given. Like the Dove that retrieved the olive branch announcing the new world, so did she in the form of Shekinah alight the Living Ark to herald the Prince of Peace and healing waters. Each product and publication is but an enduring feather of the dove that goes above the mundane to bring a song of the Spirit to lighten your Day!
CATASH produces a unique line of tailored greeting cards and calendars printed on linen card stock. We have grown and have dared to imagine entering the market with designs and narratives that communicate meaningful messages in a way that touches individuals through collective cultural and artistic representations.
My Sincerest Appreciation,
Cheryl McLeod